“My Vision is to See an Endless Number of Individuals become the Best Version of Themselves, to Better Their Own World Now, to be a Blessing to Others, and to leave a Legacy for the next generation to Observe and Study.”

~ Coach Bruce Shin

What Coaching Means to Me…

I BELIEVE Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior and He’s the Best Coach!!

What Coach Bruce is….

  1. I AM a Child of God

2. I AM a loving husband

3. I AM an amazing dad

4. I AM an experienced Chiropractor, Instructor, Professional Trader, Coach (Life, Football, Running, Relationships, Professionals)

5. I AM a friend, runner, athlete, golfer, Asst Scoutmaster for our youth in BSA, home chef, researcher, etc.






*** What if you don’t believe in God, not married, no children??? That’s great!! Then it may look like this:

  1. I AM a Human Being

  2. I AM an amazing Family Member

  3. I AM an amazing Business Owner, Employee, Producer

  4. I AM a comics collector, musician, golfer, etc.

I believe when someone’s priorities are in this order, success and an amazing life come as a result.

I believe when someone’s priorities are out of this order, there’s typically a sense of yearning for something more to fill a void.

For many years, this was not my order of priorities, until Coach Roy entered my life!!!

That’s when things really took an amazing turn for the better… =)

That’s where Coaching comes in:






“Study, Practice, and Teach” ~Jim Rohn

This journey began for me in 1995 when I first was introduced to chiropractic. Wow, what an experience!! Over the years, I always saw myself as a student of the game, which I still am, never did I think I would teach. But one day at the AK Basic Certification Course in Sep 1999, San Jose, CA, my instructor Dr. Tim Francis mentioned the meaning of “Doctor” in such a way that I’ve never heard before. There was a depth to his explanation that the true meaning was “to teach”, not “treat”. So I began to study, study more, study even more, study so much that it was all I would do with every minute of spare time, to the point of becoming obsessed with it. Also during this time, I would practice, workshop, practice some more, ask anyone who would be willing to workshop. Then this translated into “teaching” patients about healthcare during each office visit, which slowly trickled into presenting at my office in the evenings for classes, the health food grocery stores nearby, and then the local chiropractic colleges. What a transition!! Before you know it, I had received my Diplomate in Applied Kinesiology and then began teaching my own 100-hr Basic Certification Course!! This evolved into teaching Adjusting Classes, Advanced Classes, and basically, living life classes. Was it worth it?? Yes. Will everyone share this same intensity in my vision? No. What have I learned, which is ultimately my vision for this video series?

It’s vitally important to be “Proficient” at your Skillset as a Chiropractor, but also be true to Who You Are, a person who happens to be a Chiropractor, who happens to be a husband/wife, who happens to be a dad/mom, who happens to be a significant other, who happens to be a brother/sister, who happens to be a musician, who happens to be an athlete, who happens to be an artist, etc. You catch my drift. Use these video series to help hone your skills, but also manage your energy and time for all of the important people/things in life too. That’s my vision for you. =)

So, as you join me on this journey of either Creating or Reinforcing Better Biomechanics for yourself as a chiropractor, I hope that because of your new found experiences of feeling better when the day comes to a close, that you’ll find that YOU have more energy for your life outside of the office for your Spouse, Significant Other, Children, Personal Passions, Exercise, etc.

In health and for Your Brighter Future,

Coach Bruce Shin



The first time I heard about “coaching’ was around 2012, when the concept was introduced directly to me.

My response was “what in the world would I need a coach for”???

I was introduced to my future coach, and one aspect of our first assignment was to create a schedule for the upcoming week, defining every hour spent between 5am and 11pm. Upon creating this document, I was overwhelmed. But, I pressed on and completed what I thought was a pretty solid schedule. Within 5 minutes of receiving my email sent to him, he called me and asked me with a firm tone:

“Where’s your block of time for your wife???” I then responded, “I see her every evening for dinner and every morning for breakfast, and we chit chat a bit before we go to sleep.”

Coach challenged and responded “If you do not create a block of time dedicated for your wife at least 1-2 hours a week, for example a lunch or dinner date, then you have NO BUSINESS BEING MY CLIENT!!!” And then he slammed the phone down on me!!!

Holy Toledo, what just happened???

My wife was sitting down next to me and she asked me how my call went!!! LOL!!! I was thinking “I’d better bend the truth a bit!! LOL…But of course I proceeded to let her know about the entire call and she responds with a bold statement “YOU BETTER HIRE THAT MAN!!!!” Which of course I did and our lives have changed significantly because of ONE PIECE OF ADVICE that would forever change the course of our marriage!!! And every other aspect of my life…

What a difference it has made!!!

I began to study professionals (athletes, business, entrepreneurs, sales, etc.) and I learned that “coaching” has been around for a really long time =)


Where’ve I been???


Partly because I was so involved with school and building a practice, I didn’t realize that at some level, my instructors, my mentors, my colleagues would be “coaching” me indirectly; however, it was never created into a “Coach/Client” relationship. Concepts would only have been discussed whenever it was convenient, at rare lunches, sometimes after seminars, and maybe the occasional phone call.


Why is that???

Because as you may have heard, CONSISTENCY is the Name of the Game. Well, what about Discipline??? Consistency includes being Disciplined. Getting stuff done when you don’t feel like it, when you do feel like it, when you’re exhausted, but you get it done anyways…


CONSISTENT in what??? Well, that’s the million dollar question!!! In whichever areas of your life you have control over.


See, you can’t control the weather, the action/behaviors of others, or whether or not there’s going to be traffic. But what YOU do have control over are:


Your thoughts

Your actions

Your words spoken

Your feelings

Your behavior patterns

Your eating

Your sleep

Your workouts



So which area should I be focusing on???

Well, there’s a particular book that answers that question really well. It was wonderfully written by Gary Keller, titled “The One Thing”, in which he poses the question:

“What’s The ONE Thing I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”

So you see, pick the (1) area of your life you DO have control over, that YOU would like to see BETTER,  and let’s make it better, make it stronger, make it incredibly enjoyable…and then you’ll begin to see the spillover into the other facets of your life!!


Here’s a quote that really hit me hard back in 2009:

“Either I create my own life, or someone else will…and their plans for me aren’t always the best for me”

Obviously, we all want to believe that we’re in control of our life, and we are to a certain degree; however, life sometimes has its twists and turns. The challenge is, at the end of the day, Are You Headed in the general direction You Desire??? If so, great!! If not, well, that’s gonna take some sitting down, quieting the mind, looking at where you’re at, looking at where you want to be, and figuring out, NOT how to get there only, but WHO you have to become to make the strategy work to get there.

For those who want to compete in body building, it’s gonna take months/years to reach the ultimate body you want to have to go on stage…that doesn’t mean you can’t go on stage on the way there, but to give it your best body, your best shot TO WIN, to ultimately become a PRO takes a certain amount of dedication, determination, sheer will power, confidence, inspiration, commitment, GRIT, etc.


Do you have what it takes to be the best you???

Tony Robbins once said: “You’re only a decision away from success!!”


Make that decision today and find a Coach/Mentor to help you get there…they’re everywhere, and if after seeing what’s available on my website intrigues you, reach out to me and let’s see if we’re the right fit to work together…(858.800.2025)

Make the call and let’s set up a consult and discuss your particular situation =)